The author of the article has analyzed the scientific and theoretical concepts of stadiality of personality. s professional genesis; the author's concept of personal professional attitudes formation at every stage of professional genesis is represented. The author has given her original definition of professional attitudes. Having analyzed the theories of certain scientists (T.V. Kudriavtsev, A.N. Tsilmak, etc.) and definitions of professional attitudes, the author concludes that professional genesis in its broad sense is a gradual, systematic, multi-dimensional, continuous process of achieving a high level of professionalism, which provides professional identity, which contributes to one. s integrity and satisfaction of social development needs in the triad "personality -activities -society". The following stages of the development of professional attitudes in personal professional genesis are suggested: 1) pre-professional, which includes the following stages: elementary pre-option (1 to 6 years), that is formation of the first understanding of one. s profession; initial pre-option (6 to 12-13 years) -subject matter of professional attitudes; pre-option (9-10 to 13-14 years) when the idea of one. s image of a profession is formed under the impact of literary works, the first identification of professions; option (14-15 to 16-17 years), that is professional attitudes separation from vital activity, professional self-determination of a personality; 2) special training (16-17 to 20-25 years), which is professional self-identification with a professional image of an expert and profession, the formation of professional attitudes; 3) adaptation (employment period from the beginning to 3 years of experience) - engagement into a profession, adjustment of professional attitudes; 4) internalization (employment period from 3 to 7 years) - development of competence, consolidation of professional attitudes; 5) competent professionalism (employment period of 8 to 15 years) -changing or fixing professional attitudes; 6) professional skills (employment period from 16 to 40 years) - activation of creative professional attitudes, mentoring; 7) afterwork stage (from obtaining the status of a retired person to death) is characterized by permanence or rigidity of professional attitudes.