In a diverse work environment, it's important to have diverse managers, and people with different talents and intelligence in order to deal with different problems. The concept of learning styles is used to describe individual differences in the way people learn. According to Kolb (1984), each person has a unique way to absorb and process experiences and information. He has identified four statistically prevalent learning styles-diverging, assimilating, converging, and accommodating. Gardner's Multiple Intelligence Theory is very helpful to recognize that people have differing aptitude in different subject areas. In the study, the participants consisted of 153 bachelor students of Management of Multimedia University of Malaysia. They were given two questionnaires, one for Kolb's learning style and other for Gardner's Multiple Intelligence inventory and a correlation was conducted. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between Kolb's Learning Style and Multiple Intelligence. The relationship could be seen particularly in Abstract Conceptualization (AC) and Multiple Intelligences which were Nature, kinesthetic, music, word, interpersonal, and picture. And also a slight relationship between Concrete Experience (CE) and kinesthetic and nature. The results can be found deeper in this article.