Some types of human papillomaviruses (HPVs) have been suggested to be strongly related to uterine cervical carcinoma. An attempt to detect these in formalin‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded sections was made by either immunohistochemical or by in situ hybridization. Anticapsid protein of bovine papillomavirus antibody labeled with peroxidase was used for immunohistochemistry, and biotin was used instead of radioisotopes to label probes for in situ hybridization, which resulted in low background and a rapid procedure. Condylomatous changes were stained immunochemically with this antibody even in invasive carcinoma, whereas the carcinoma itself was not stained. Direct correlation was demonstrated by in situ hybridization between the HPV genome and histopathological structure, which was impossible by Southern or dot hybridization. HPV DNAs were detected in the nuclei of koilocytes and dyskeratinocytes of condylomata and dysplasias. Furthermore, hybridization signals of HPV DNAs in basal and parabasal cells suggested that HPV infection had already begun in the basal cells. In the case of malignant neoplasia accompanied by dysplasia, the same type of HPV was detected both in the malignant neoplasia and accompanying dysplasia. In one case of intraepithelial carcinoma, the very small focus of carcinoma just arisen in the cells of dysplasia was identified, and both were positive for HPV 18. This fact supports the suggestion that the carcinoma arises in dysplasia. Invasive carcinomas were classified further into keratinized, large‐cell nonkeratinized, and small‐cell nonkeratinized types, and the positive frequency for HPV 16 decreased as the differentiation of the carcinoma decreased. In the case of keratinized type of invasive carcinoma, strong hybridization signals were prominent around the malignant pearl formation. Copyright © 1990 Wiley‐Liss, Inc., A Wiley Company