Chlorimuron applied alone and in combination with acifluorfen or thifensulfuron was evaluated for POST control of common lambsquarters, common ragweed, common cocklebur, and a mixture of pitted, ivyleaf, entireleaf, and tall morningglory in soybean. Common cocklebur control was similar with thifensulfuron at 3 and 4 g ae ha-1 and with chlorimuron at 7 and 9 g ae ha-1. Common ragweed and morningglory control was greater with chlorimuron while common lambsquarters control was greater with thifensulfuron. Control of all species was good with combinations of chlorimuron at 7 g ha-1 plus thifensulfuron at 2 g ha-1 or acifluorfen at 140 g ae ha-1 and similar to or greater than the control with chlorimuron at 9 g ha-1. Soybean yields with all POST herbicide treatments were equivalent to that of the weed-free check.