Objective: to establish a viable methodology for the linkage of patient information between general practice and the secondary health care sector. To demonstrate this by examining the activities and cost of health care to a general practice community. Methods: the linkage of computerised records was achieved using a unique alpha numeric identifier (the National Master Patient Index number). Using this link all patient activities for one general practice were analysed. Consultations and their outcomes in terms of pathology and radiology requests, prescriptions, and referrals to other health care providers were recorded. Secondary care activities analysed were outpatient, inpatient, day care, and accident and emergency attendances. Results: the study population of 3611 patients produced 15 453 contacts in general practice (4.3 contacts per person Per annum) and 2804 contacts with the secondary care system (0-8 contacts per person per annum). The total government expenditure was $824 567 for general practice care and $1 410 198 for secondary care, ie, $2 234 765 in total or $619 per person. Conclusion: this methodology for information linkage provides the potential for comprehensive examination of publicly funded health care in both general practice and hospital settings, thereby promoting better coordinated and more rational planning of services.