A complete reexamination of Sudicky's (1986) field experiment for the geostatistical characterization of hydraulic conductivity at the Borden aquifer in Ontario, Canada is performed. The sampled data reveal that a number of outliers (low In (K) values) are present in the data base. These low values cause difficulties in both variogram estimation and determining population statistics. The analysis shows that assuming either a normal distribution or exponential distribution for log conductivity is appropriate. The classical, Cressie/Hawkins and squared median of the absolute deviations (SMAD) estimators are used to compute experimental variograms. None of these estimators provides completely satisfactory variograms for the Borden data with the exception of the classical estimator with outliers removed from the data set. Theoretical exponential variogram parameters are determined from nonlinear (NL) estimation. Differences are obtained between NL fits and those of Sudicky (1986). For the classical-screened estimated variogram, NL fits produce an In (K) variance of 0.24, nugget of 0.07, and integral scales of 5.1 m horizontal and 0.21 m vertical along A-A'. For B-B' these values are 0.37, 0.11, 8.3 and 0.34. The fitted parameter set for B-B' data (horizontal and vertical) is statistically different than the parameter set determined for A-A'. We also evaluate a probabilistic form of Dagan's (1982, 1987) equations relating geostatistical parameters to a tracer cloud's spreading moments. The equations are evaluated using the parameter estimates and covariances determined from line A-A' as input, with a velocity equal to 9.0 cm/day. The results are compared with actual values determined from the field test, but evaluated by both Freyberg (1986) and Rajaram and Gelhar (1988). The geostatistical parameters developed from this study produce an excellent fit to both sets of calculated plume moments when combined with Dagan's stochastic theory for predicting the spread of a tracer cloud.