The incremental contribution of the MMPI-2 Content Scales to the prediction of scores on self-report measures of personality and psychopathology was investigated. The MMPI-2, Beck Depression Inventory, State-Trait Personality Inventory, and Symptom Checklist-90-Revised were administered to 596 subjects: 339 women and 257 men. Zero-order correlational analyses indicated that both clinical and Content Scales correlated with each of the criterion measures. In all but one case, an MMPI-2 Content Scale was found to have the highest correlation with the extratest variables. Combined hierarchical, stepwise regression analyses demonstrated that the MMPI-2 Content Scales possess incremental validity vis-a-vis the clinical scales.for both genders in relation to all of the criterion measures. Additional analyses indicated that the MMPI-2 clinical scales also possess incremental validity vis-a-vis the Content Scales. However, the incremental contribution of the clinical scales was of lesser magnitude. Implications of these findings for test interpretation and future research with the MMPI-2 are discussed.