The interest to study modern young people's self-determination as well as relationship between self-determination and other indicators of their personal potential is to the current trends in the development of psychological science, on the one hand, and changes in the requirements, which the society sets for young people in studying and professional activities, on the other hand. We have conducted an experimental study whose objective was the evaluation of self-determination level and relationship between self-determination and main personal potential parameters of modern young people. The study involved 113 people (students, graduates, college graduates), aged 18-32. The main method for evaluation of self-determination level was self-determination scale (adapt. by Osin E.N.). We have processed the data using the method of descriptive statistics, correlation (Pearson's r-coefficient) and factor analysis (principal component analysis with subsequent rotation of the Varimax-normalized). As a result, it has been concluded that modern young people are prone to self-determination of their own activity; in particular, they are trying to realize their potential in the activity and reveal their own abilities. When making decisions, they tend to align their own aspirations and demands of the situation, monitor the implementation of activities, and analyse errors in case of difficulty. On the basis of the correlation analysis it has been found that the conviction of modern youth in their own competence and relevance to others, and in favour of the world to them determines high rates of self-determination. Also their tendency to set goals and plan their own activity, the use of external means for its organization is one of the conditions to manifest autonomous and overadaptive behaviour. However, significant correlations between self-determination parameters and the index of rationality (self-organization activity questionnaire) that characterizes the tendency of the subjects to organize their own activity rationally have not been found. In addition, we have concluded that the desire of young people to overcome difficulties is a favourable background for self-determination. The possibility to construct their activities and communication in accordance with their own "coordinate system", the manifestation of autonomous behaviour, in turn, determines the growth of their life satisfaction. The results of factor analysis indicate that self-determination is one of the components of young people's personal potential, and it also can go together with different value orientations to work. Obviously, self-determination can have a positive impact on the disclosure of modern young people's personal potential that, in the end, allows them to exit from the power of circumstances and their own needs.