Fifteen marine strombidiid species were measured and identified after protargol staining of bottle-cast samples collected during an annual study of the ciliate microzooplankton in the Caribbean Sea. Nine of these are described herein as new species. One new species from the genus Tontonia, T. simplicidens sp. nov., is defined, based on the pattern of the girdle and ventral kinety. Six new species of Strombidium, S. bilobum sp. nov., S. eurystomum sp. nov., S. ioanum sp. nov., S. maedai sp. nov., S. pollostomum sp. nov. and S. sphaericum sp. nov. are defined, based on cell size and shape, the arrangement of the oral ciliature, and the nature of the macronucleus. One new strombidiid genus Cyrtostrombidium gen. nov., is defined by the presence of a unique oral 'basket' and the absence of the ventral polykinetidal zone. Two species of Cyrtostrombidium, C. longisomum sp. nov. and C. wailesi sp. nov., are distinguished, based on cell size and macronuclear structure. Assemblages of six previously-described strombidiid species, S. constrictum, S. dalum, S. epidemum, S. inclinatum, S. wulffi, and Laboea strobila are also briefly described.