pastoral care;
practical theology;
public life;
D O I:
B9 [宗教];
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This article makes the case for a strong affinity between pastoral studies and practical theology as conceived in the UK and the emergent field of public theology. Practical theology in the UK has resisted over-specialization in the discipline, creating an eclectic and diverse mix of institutional contexts and intellectual approaches. It has also succeeded in holding together the "public" and "private" in a way that has often put it in the vanguard of the discipline internationally. In particular, its insistence on embracing wider political, cultural and economic dynamics at work in pastoral care and counselling, pastoral studies and practical theology has avoided the pitfalls of privatization and individualism. It has also succeeded in spanning the divisions between church and society, by including strong representation from those who practise pastoral care and theological reflection on practice within secular contexts, such as industry, education, community development and public policy as well as the Church. A further challenge awaits, to consider how the sources and resources of the Christian tradition can speak into the increasingly secular and pluralist spheres of public life; but in the interests of promoting greater "religious literacy" within wider society, practical theologians must continue to do their work "in public."