It's not enough to be present to be even the content of a show. Something is the content of a show if its presence is produced and organized functionally to the judgment that the public will give. A very spectacular life must consist in a continuous production of new things to show. Now, Giovanni Gentile's idealism teaches that spiritual life is a continuous production of contents that are present at the thought: they exist only because they are present at the thought. For this idealism, life of thought is a totally spectacular life: to be present as a content of the thought is the same of to be created by the thought who wants its creations and its objects. So, looking at the actualism, it's possible to understand the reason of the current tendency to transform every experience in a spectacular experience: in the illusory belief that through the production and through the control of our presence we can produce and control the whole of our existence, everyone feeds his desire to appear on the media, that means, to appear (and to be) as widely as possible.