Orthotopic liver transplantation is established treatment for children with acute and chronic liver failure. Despite advances in pre- and postoperative management, innovative surgical techniques and new immunosuppressive drugs, acute and chronic rejection remains a problem. In addition, well established adverse effects of commonly used immunosuppressive drugs are no longer acceptable. More potent, but less toxic, immunosuppressive agents have been developed and some novel compounds are now entering routine practice. Cyclosporin was the cornerstone of immunosuppressive therapy until the introduction of its novel pharmaceutical form (Neoral) with improved bioavailability, lower inter- and intraindividual pharmacokinetic variability and improved graft survival. Recently, tacrolimus, a macrolide drug with a similar mode of action, but much higher potency, was introduced and, at present, is the only agent which can successfully replace cyclosporin as a first-line immunosuppressive drug. Mycophenolate mofetil has recently been approved for use in adult and paediatric renal transplant recipients. It has a similar mode of action to cyclosporin and tacrolimus, but acts at a later stage of the T cell activation pathway. Administration with standard immunosuppressive drugs reduces the incidence of acute rejection and enables cyclosporin and tacrolimus dose reduction, thus reducing the risk of associated toxic effects. Phase I and II trials with sirolimus (rapamycin), a macrolide antibiotic, have shown comparable immunosuppressive action, when administered in conjunction with standard immunosuppressants. Further clinical trials need to be carried out to establish efficacy, tolerability and pharmacokinetics in paediatric transplant recipients. Monoclonal antibody therapy (daclizumab and basiliximab) is an exciting new development whereby T cell proliferation is inhibited by selective blockade of interleukin (IL)-2 receptors. Preliminary results, when used in combination with a standard immunosuppressive regimen, are good with respect to incidence of acute graft rejection, host immune response and adverse effects. FRY720 is a novel synthetic immunosuppressive compound which induces a reduction in peripheral blood lymphocyte count through apoptotic T cell death or accelerated trafficking of T cells into lymphatic tissues. Experimental animal studies demonstrated synergistic action in combination with low dose cyclosporin or tacrolimus, potentiating their immunosuppressive effects. Further studies are being carried out to determine its potential for application in organ transplantation. Despite this rapid development of novel compounds, it will take many years before they may become part of standard protocols in paediatric transplantation medicine. Further development and research of efficacy and tolerability of existing drugs is, therefore, vital.