The triple-diffusive convection in a micropolar ferromagnetic fluid layer heated and soluted from below is considered in the presence of a transverse uniform magnetic field. An exact solution is obtained for a flat fluid layer contained between two free boundaries. A linear stability analysis and a normal mode analysis method are carried out to study the onset convection. For stationary convection, various parameters such as the medium permeability, the solute gradients, the non-buoyancy magnetization, and the micropolar parameters (i.e., the coupling parameter, the spin diffusion parameter, and the micropolar heat conduction parameter) are analyzed. The critical magnetic thermal Rayleigh number for the onset of instability is determined numerically for a sufficiently large value of the buoyancy magnetization parameter M1. The principle of exchange of stabilities is found to be true for the micropolar fluid heated from below in the absence of the micropolar viscous effect, the microinertia, and the solute gradients. The micropolar viscous effect, the microinertia, and the solute gradient introduce oscillatory modes, which are non-existent in their absence. Sufficient conditions for the non-existence of overstability are also obtained.