The purpose of this paper was to present the key features of a novel coordinate formulation for the analytical description of the motion of rigid multibody systems, namely the natural absolute coordinate formulation (NACF). As it is shown in this work, the kinematic and dynamic analysis of rigid multibody systems can be significantly enhanced employing the NACF. In particular, this formulation combines the main advantages of the natural coordinate formulation (NCF), such as the remarkable property of leading to a constant mass matrix and to zero centrifugal and Coriolis generalized inertia forces, with the generality and the effectiveness of the reference point coordinate formulation (RPCF), which is essentially represented by the possibility to develop and assemble the equations of motion of a multibody system together with the algebraic equations which model the joint constraints in a systematic manner. Moreover, a new computational method hereinafter referred to as the robust generalized coordinate partitioning algorithm is also introduced in this work. The robust generalized coordinate partitioning algorithm can be successfully utilized to numerically solve the index-one form of the multibody system equations of motion formulated by using the proposed NACF as well as the well-known RPCF. In particular, the computational procedure presented in this paper owes its robustness to the combination of the main ideas of the well-established generalized coordinate partitioning method, which is commonly employed to cope with the drift phenomenon of the constraint equations at the position and velocity levels when an index-one formulation of the equations of motion is considered, with the more general and advanced constraint enforcement technique at the acceleration level represented by the fundamental equations of constrained motion. In fact, the fundamental equations of constrained motion represent an effective and efficient method able to calculate analytically the generalized constraint forces relative to a multibody system subjected to a general set of redundant holonomic and/or nonholonomic constraint equations by using the Gauss principle of least constraint, thus avoiding the definition of the Lagrange multipliers. The fundamental equations of constrained motion are remarkably effective when used for modeling the dynamic behavior of rigid multibody systems mathematically represented employing the NACF, as it is shown in this paper. Four simple benchmark multibody systems are also examined in order to exemplify the application of the principal concepts developed in the paper.