Industry 4.0 is a growing trend in the field of project management in the modern era. As a result, this study identifies emerging and growing trends in project management as they relate to Industry 4.0. Before now, no research has been conducted to examine existing themes and research trends in this expanding field. To fill these gaps, this paper seeks to comprehend current academic research relating to Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing in project management. We conducted a literature search, content review, and exploratory study on the subject area, and we used Scopus as the main database to identify related articles. We used cluster analysis, network analysis, citation analysis, and co-citation analysis to identify the primary vehicle of publications, research centres, and researchers. The key finding of our research is that Industry 4.0 is attracting international researchers' attention; thus, we aim to identify the new and emerging research area in Industry 4.0 and improve its productivity. The term Industry 4.0 first appeared in the market in 2012. Following that, researchers have thoroughly investigated the implications of this newly emerging field and concluded that various technologies, such as the Internet of Things, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence, play an important role in transforming organisations by improving their productivity. Countries such as Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, and other European countries expressed interest in this field and quickly joined the collaboration. Industry 4.0 is now regarded as a popular research topic in the field of project management.