The quality of water resources used for drinking and their health effects is vitally important. The present study investigated the concentrations of F−, NO3−, and metal elements like Hg, Mn, As, and Pb in the groundwater resources and their health risk assessment on the west margin of Urmia Lake, Iran. Sampling points were selected and taken from 121 groundwater resources in the summer of 2014. Heavy metals (Pb, As, Mn, and Hg) were measured by ICP-OES (inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometer, model: Arcos, Germany), and some ions (Na+, NO3−, F−, and Cl−) by flame photometer and spectrophotometer according to the standard methods, respectively. The nitrate concentration range in groundwater samples measured from 1.7 to 137 mg/L and fluoride from 0.4 to 4.5 mg/L. The probabilistic method and Monte Carlo simulation were used to estimate carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic risks. The concentration of study elements in most samples was obtained in the WHO (World Health Organization) recommended range. The order of HM (heavy metal) concentration is based on the overall mean: Mn > As > Hg > Pb. The HI (hazard index ) level was found to be more than 1 for noncarcinogenic risk for As and NO3− and permissible risks for the other elements and fluoride. ELCR (excess lifetime cancer risk) levels of As were acceptable, except for some sampling points, the central region in the study area, near the seashore of Urmia Lake. Finally, it can be stated that the groundwater resources in the studied area are acceptable for drinking in most places. Still, due to the effects of As and NO3− contaminated water, the quality is unacceptable for drinking in some places. So, monitoring water quality is recommended by finding contamination sources to decrease the health risks of drinking consumption.