Groundwater resource plays a central role in every sector of life globally. Unfortunately, the roles of groundwater are often unappreciated in many parts of the world, especially in developing nations. The paper applied a combined geo-electrical method and hydrochemical analysis alongside physical surveys to investigate aquifer promising zones, the quality and the source of water supply in the selected regions. The geo-electric resistivity data were used to select the most aquifer-promising zone for groundwater development with a key interest in groundwater potential and aquifer overburden protective capacity overlying the water-bearing unit. Seventeen (17) vertical electrical sounding (VES) acquired in four regions reveals that the regional weathered/fractured unit which constitutes the aquifer unity extends from 13.4 m to 41.3 m in depth with the subsurface resistivity value varying between 53 Ωm–1013 Ωm in terms of resistivity values. The overburdened thickness (protective soil layers) stretches from 2.5 m to 13 m with a resistive layer of resistivity values ranging from 111 Ωm to 2877 Ωm, which could provide high aquifer protective cover for the regional groundwater systems. The computed aquifer transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity range from 0.54 m2/h\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${m}^{2}/h$$\end{document}–15.85 m2/h\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${m}^{2}/h$$\end{document}, and 0.95 m/day–9.19 m/day, respectively. The estimated average longitudinal conductance (0.2 moh) reveals that the regional groundwater systems are moderately protective against surface contaminants. In addition, the physicochemical water analysis was examined, which exposes the level of heavy metals (HMs) compositions in the regional groundwater systems and the possible public health risks compared to WHO permissible drinking water limits. The sample water from the Rivers had the highest concentration of HMs (0.089 mg/I–2.012 mg/l), followed by the hand-dug wells (HWDs) (0.033 mg/l–1.555 mg/l) and the lowest in the borehole (0.011 mg/l–0.511 mg/l). In contrast, the borehole water sample shows a moderation where the HMs presence falls within the WHO standard for drinking water. The outcomes of the study show that 63% of the investigated region consumed water with a high concentration of HMs above the WHO permissible standard allowance for drinking water, while only 37% took water that falls within the WHO permissible standard. In conclusion, the study showed significant impacts of anthropogenic activities on the regional water quality, which provides vital information about the regional groundwater systems and the quality of water supply for adequate groundwater development and sustainability.