Voting process is important in any part of the world in public elections, private or autonomous bodies for electing someone. Due to the current pandemic situation, it is difficult to organize elections physically in the near future. Electronic voting (E-voting) is an alternative for organizing voting online through which a voter can cast his vote remote from any corner of the world through PC or mobile. Electronic voting is a challenging task to ensure voting requirements like eligibility, Accuracy, Simplicity, robustness, privacy, and reliability of the user and the system. In Electronic voting to enable remote voting, all the election data and its application modules are supposed to be stored at Cloud infrastructure. With the increase in usage of cloud computing services, data security and integrity is a major concern among various organizations. To ensure privacy, encryption techniques are widely being used in research. The purpose of the research here is to ensure security and reliability using CryptDB in Electronic voting process. In the proposed online Electronic voting system, voters data, Candidates data, votes triggered by voters are stored in encrypted database called CryptDB. CryptDB is already proven as a secure database which encrypts the data before storing them on the database and it follows multiple levels of encryption. The proposed systems does not reveal any information to the intruders at any level of polling system and hence the outcome of Voting process can be achieved using online system with Security, Confidentiality and integrity. With the help of CryptDB our system protects the information like the result of votes from the malicious administrator who tries to influence the voters in the voting process. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd.