The modified Chaplygin gas (MCG) as an interacting model of holographic dark energy in which dark energy and dark matter are coupled together is investigated in this paper. Concretely, by studying the evolutions of related cosmological quantities such as density parameter Ω, equation of state w, deceleration parameter q and transition redshift zT, we find the evolution of the universe is from deceleration to acceleration, their present values are consistent with the latest observations, and the equation of state of holographic dark energy can cross the phantom divide w = −1. Furthermore, we put emphasis upon the geometrical diagnostics for our model, i.e., the statefinder and Om diagnostics. By illustrating the evolutionary trajectories in r - s, r - q, w′-w and Om planes, we find that the holographic constant c and the coupling constant b play very important roles in the holographic dark energy (HDE) model. In addition, we also plot the LCDM horizontal lines in Om diagrams, and show the discrimination between the HDE and LCDM models.