The Ludloff osteotomy for correction of hallux valgus [Die "Ludloff"-Osteotomie zur Korrektur der Hallux-valgus-Deformität]

Petroutsas J.
Trnka H.-J. [1 ,2 ]
[1] Fuzentrum an der Wiener Privatklinik, Wien, Österreich
[2] A-1090 Wien
Foot deformity; Hallux valgus; Ludloff; Proximal osteotomy;
Objective: Correction of a symptomatic hallux valgus deformity. Indications: A hallux valgus deformity in which the intermetatarsal angle I-II exceeds 15° and the shaft of the first metatarsal is broad enough to allow a rotational osteotomy. Contraindications: Hypermobility of the first ray. Severe osteoporosis. Degenerative arthritis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint. Surgical Technique: Longitudinal incision over the first intermetatarsal space. Division of the metatarsosesamoid ligament together with the tendon of the adductor hallucis muscle. Opening of the lateral articular capsule of the first metatarsophalangeal joint allowing a tension-free realignment of the head of the first metatarsal with the sesamoids. Medial longitudinal incision along the first metatarsal starting over the medial cuneiform bone and ending at the proximal phalanx of the great toe. Oblique osteotomy of the proximal two thirds of the first metatarsal in a proximal dorsal to distal plantar direction and lateral rotation of the distal fragment around a proximally placed 3-mm AO screw. Additional fixation with one BOLD screw. Trimming of the protruding bone and of bunion. Medial metatarsophalangeal capsulorraphy. Results: Between September 1998 and October 1999, 76 feet underwent a Ludloff osteotomy. Patients were followed up clinically and radiographically for 36 months (24-56 months). The mean hallux valgus angle was reduced from 37deg; to 14° and the mean intermetatarsal angle I-II from 18° to 9°. Using a four-point scale 81% of the patients were satisfied or very satisfied with the result of the operation. 95% of them felt no or very mild pain. © Urban & Vogel München 2005.
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