Evaluation of the morphometric parameters requires preparation of drainage map, contour map, ordering of the various streams and measurements of catchment area, perimeter, relative relief, relief ratio, length of drainage channels, drainage density, drainage frequency, bifurcation ratio, texture ratio, circulatory ratio and constant channel maintenance, which help to understand the nature of the drainage basin. The present study involves the Geographic Information System (GIS) analysis techniques to evaluate and compare linear, relief and aerial morphometry of the five subwatersheds of Song River (tributary of the Ganga River) with special reference to landslide incidences, for future development and planning of the watershed. Jakhan Rao, Song River, Bandal Nadi, Baldi Nadi and Suswa Nadi are the five major subwatersheds of the Song River basin. All the subwatersheds are basically of 5th to 6th order. Drainage patterns are mainly dendritic to sub dendritic. The drainage pattern of the Song River basin is mainly structurally controlled and the area is characterized by high to moderate relief. The asymmetric factor indicates that the tectonic rotation of the four subwatersheds is upward on the right side of the drainage basin and only one sub-watershed is downward. The numbers of the landslide incidences are also more in the upward side, than the downward side of the Song River basin.