In this paper, the stability analysis of slope reinforced with one row of free head piles is studied by shear strength reduction method, with software of ABAQUS. The effects of pile location, pile length, pile spacing, pile bending stiffness, and slope angle on the performance of reinforced slope are also analyzed. The optimal pile position is found to be located slightly upper of the middle of the slope. The critical pile length, after which the factor of safety will be remained constant, is dependent on the pile spacing, pile bending stiffness, and the slope angle. The results show that the factor of safety increases with decreasing pile spacing and increasing bending stiffness of the piles. Furthermore, stabilizing piles can influence more on the increase of the factor of safety of the reinforced slope as the slope angle is reduced. The equivalent shear strength parameters of the soil for unreinforced slope, with the factor of safety similar to the mode of reinforced slope, are also proposed in the present study that can be advantageous before conducting a detailed design of a reinforced slope with piles.