Origin and evolution characteristics of geothermal water in the Niutuozhen geothermal field, North China Plain

Shufang Wang
Zhonghe Pang
Jiurong Liu
Pei Lin
Sida Liu
Ming Yin
[1] Chinese Academy of Sciences,Key Laboratory of Engineering Geomechanics, Institute of Geology and Geophysics
[2] Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,School of Water Resources and Environment
[3] Beijing Institute of Hydrogeology and Engineering Geology,undefined
[4] China University of Geosciences,undefined
[5] China Institute of Geo-Environment Monitoring,undefined
Journal of Earth Science | 2013年 / 24卷
hydrogeochemistry; isotope; geothermal water; origin and evolution; Niutuozhen geothermal field;
Statistical study of analyses of water from 43 samples from geothermal wells, three groundwater wells, and one sample of local rainwater along with rainwater data from the Global Network of Isotopes in Precipitation has been used to identify the origin and evolution of geothermal water in the Niutuozhen (牛驼镇) geothermal field and estimate the renewability rate of its geothermal resource. The results show that the geothermal waters of the Jixianian Wumishanian dolomite reservoir and the Ordovician limestone reservoir are of Cl-Na type, the geothermal water of the Pliocene Minghuazhen (明化镇) Formation sandstone reservoir are Cl-Na type and HCO3-Na type and the groundwater of the Quaternary aquifer is HCO3-Na and HCO3-Na·Mg·Ca type. A linear relationship between silica concentration and temperature indicates that higher temperature probably enhances concentration of silica in Jixianian geothermal water. δ18O shift in Wumishanian geothermal water averaged 1.57‰, and was less than 1‰ in the other geothermal waters. The minimum and maximum 14C ages of Wumishanian geothermal water are 17 000 and 33 000 years from north to the south of the Niutuozhen geothermal field. Geothermal water and Quaternary groundwater belong to different groundwater systems with no hydraulic connections. Although the geothermal field receives some recharge from the Yanshan and Taihang mountains outside the northern and western boundaries of the geothermal field respectively, the renewability rate of geothermal water is on the scale of 10 000 years.
页码:891 / 902
共 63 条
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