Nevus of Ota, nevus of Ito and nevus of Hori are special melanocytic nevi that have a slate-brown or blue/grey coloring. They are pigmented disorders characterized by its heterotopic melanocytic dermal location and by blue/brown unilateral and sometimes bilateral facial patch in case of nevus of Ota, and in the supraclavicular, scapular, and deltoid region in case of nevus of Ito. It is more common in patients with Asian and dark-skinned ethnic backgrounds. Histologically, elongated, dendritic melanocytes are seen scattered mainly throughout the upper third of reticular dermis. An acquired variant is called Hori's nevus with more bilateral facial distribution, similar to melasma. Dermal melanocytosis can also occur elsewhere on the body, including inside the mouth. Despite its benign nature, patients frequently seek therapy because of its facial involvement. QS lasers are used effectively to treat these lesions. The number of treatment sessions correlates with clinical improvement. Post laser hypo- and hyperpigmentation are common side effects mainly affecting patients with darker skin.