Lake Huetzalin (Xochimilco) is a shallow waterbody in Mexico City with a dominance of the littoral cladocerans Simocephalus vetulus, Alona rectangula, and Pleuroxus aduncus. Here, we present data on the life table and population dynamics of these three cladoceran species on two types of diets (alga Scenedesmus acutus and detritus). We also analyzed the effect of competition on population growth using Scenedesmus, which proved to be the better diet than detritus. We hypothesize that feces of the larger cladoceran species (S. vetulus) could be a food source for the smaller taxa (A. rectangula and P. aduncus). Experiments were conducted in 100 ml beakers with 50 ml of medium in each at a temperature of 23 ± 1°C. We studied the demography of three test species using two food types with four replicates for each treatment in the life table experiments. Based on the data thus obtained we further studied the competition between the cladocerans on a diet of Scenedesmus. The maximal growth rates obtained for P. aduncus, S. vetulus, and A. rectangula fed Scenedesmus acutus were: 0.1, 0.3, and 0.5 d−1, respectively. Among the test species, S. vetulus had the highest survivorship of 77 days when cultured on detritus and P. aduncus the lowest of 20 days on Scenedesmus. The gross reproductive rate (offspring female−1 lifespan−1) ranged from 6 neonates in Pleuroxus to 160 in Simocephalus per female. From the competition experiments conducted using alga as the diet, we observed that A. rectangula and, especially P. aduncus, had higher growth rates in the presence of S. vetulus than in the controls. This facilitation could be one of the reasons for higher species diversity in the littoral of water bodies.