Abstracts from the 3rd Conference on Aneuploidy and Cancer: Clinical and Experimental AspectsBerkeley, CA, USA. 26 - 29 January 2017

Athel Cornish-Bowden
Athel Cornish-Bowden
David Rasnick
Henry H. Heng
Steven Horne
Batoul Abdallah
Guo Liu
Christine J. Ye
Mathew Bloomfield
Mark D. Vincent
C. Marcelo Aldaz
Jenny Karlsson
Anders Valind
Caroline Jansson
David Gisselsson
Jennifer A. Marshall Graves
Aleksei A. Stepanenko
Svitlana V. Andreieva
Kateryna V. Korets
Dmytro O. Mykytenko
Nataliya L. Huleyuk
Vladimir P. Baklaushev
Oksana A. Kovaleva
Vladimir P. Chekhonin
Yegor S. Vassetzky
Stanislav S. Avdieiev
Bjorn Bakker
Aaron S. Taudt
Mirjam E. Belderbos
David Porubsky
Diana C. J. Spierings
Tristan V. de Jong
Nancy Halsema
Hinke G. Kazemier
Karina Hoekstra-Wakker
Allan Bradley
Eveline S. J. M. de Bont
Anke van den Berg
Victor Guryev
Peter M. Lansdorp
Maria Colomé Tatché
Floris Foijer
Thomas Liehr
Nicolaas C. Baudoin
Joshua M. Nicholson
Kimberly Soto
Isabel Quintanilla
Jordi Camps
Daniela Cimini
M. Dürrbaum
[1] Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS),Directeur de Recherche (Émérite)
[2] Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS),Directeur de Recherche (Émérite)
[3] Wayne State University School of Medicine,Department of Molecular and Cell Biology
[4] University of Michigan School of Medicine,Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
[5] UC Berkeley,Department of Medical Oncology
[6] Donner Lab,Department of Epigenetics and Molecular Carcinogenesis
[7] Dominican University of California,Department of Laboratory Medicine, Division of Clinical Genetics
[8] London Regional Cancer Program,Department of Clinical Sciences, Division of Oncology and Pathology
[9] University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,School of Life Sciences
[10] Lund University,Institute of Hereditary Pathology
[11] Lund University,V. P. Serbsky Federal Medical Research Centre of Psychiatry and Narcology
[12] Skåne Regional and Univeristy Laboratories,Department of Medicinal Nanobiotechnology
[13] Department of Pathology,European Research Institute for the Biology of Ageing
[14] La Trobe University,Department of Paediatrics
[15] Department of Functional Genomics,Department of Pathology & Medical Biology
[16] Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics,Department of Medical Genetics
[17] National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine,Institute for Computational Biology
[18] Federal Research and Clinical Center,Department of Biological Sciences and Biocomplexity Institute
[19] FMBA of Russia,Gastrointestinal and Pancreatic Oncology Group, Institut d’Investigacions Biomèdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS)
[20] R.E. Kavetsky Institute of Experimental Pathology,Department of Molecular Genetics
[21] Oncology and Radiobiology,Department of Environmental Health Sciences
[22] Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation,Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, Milken Institute School of Public Health
[23] Pirogov Russian State Medical University,Department of Molecular Oncology, Institute for Cancer Research
[24] CNRS UMR8126,Centre of Cancer Biomedicine, Medical Faculty
[25] Université Paris-Sud 11,Medizinische Fakultät Mannheim
[26] Institut de Cancérologie Gustave Roussy,Institute of Pathology, Department of Cytopathology
[27] University of Groningen,Institute of Pathology
[28] University Medical Center Groningen,College of Medicine, Biochemistry
[29] Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute,School of Medicine and Biomedical Services, Dermatology
[30] Wellcome Trust Genome Campus,Department of Biological Sciences
[31] University of Groningen,University at Buffalo, Department of Computer Science and Engineering
[32] University Medical Center Groningen,Department of Mathematics and Computer Science
[33] University of Groningen,Department of Pathology
[34] University Medical Center Groningen,Department of Internal Medicine III
[35] Terry Fox Laboratory,Department Molecular and Cell Biology UC Berkeley
[36] BC Cancer Agency,Department of Natural Sciences and Mathematics
[37] University of British Columbia,Department of Molecular, Cell and Cancer Biology
[38] Helmholtz Zentrum München,Department of Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry and the Lucille Markey Cancer Center
[39] Jena University Hospital,Department of Biochemistry
[40] Friedrich Schiller University,Biological Sciences and Engineering Division
[41] Institute of Human Genetics,Department of Surgery
[42] Virginia Tech,Department of Biomedical Engineering
[43] Hospital Clínic de Barcelona,Department of Surgery
[44] Group Maintenance of Genome Stability,undefined
[45] Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry,undefined
[46] Group Computational Biology,undefined
[47] Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry,undefined
[48] Technical University Kaiserslautern,undefined
[49] Cesare Maltoni Cancer Research Center,undefined
[50] Ramazzini Institute,undefined
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