This paper shows fossil spores and pollen grains from Cretaceous (Upper Campanian) of Sakhalin, Russia, with scanning electron microscopy. A total of 520 palynomorph assemblages consisting of 25% spores of pteridophytes and bryophytes, 4.5% of ephedroid pollen grains, 6.5% of coniferous pollen grains, and 64% of angiospermous pollen grains were recovered in the present study. 5 genera of pteridophytes, 4 genera of gymnosperms, and 18 genera of angiosperms are described in the present study. The frequent and representative genera from the stratum areEphedripites, Liliacidites, Clavatipollenites, Tricolpites, Aquilapollenites, andAzonia. A new genus,Sciadopitipollenites, that is comparable with extantSciadopitys is proposed in the present study. Polycolpate pollen with the same exine sculpture ofClavatipollenites suggests a generic differentiation in the Chloranthaceae during the Cretaceous age. The diverse spores and pollen paleoflora shown in the present study suggests a wide diversification of angiosperms in the Upper Campanian at the eastern side of Laurasia (Aquilapollenites province).