Turbulent premixed flame;
Non-unity Lewis number;
Direct numerical simulation;
Flame-wall interaction;
D O I:
The head on quenching of statistically planar turbulent premixed flames by an isothermal inert wall has been analysed using three-dimensional Direct Numerical Simulation (DNS) data for different values of global Lewis number Le(0.8, 1.0 and 1.2) and turbulent Reynolds number Ret. The statistics of head on quenching have been analysed in terms of the wall Peclet number Pe (i.e. distance of the flame from the wall normalised by the Zel’dovich flame thickness) and the normalised wall heat flux Φ. It has been found that the maximum (minimum) value of Φ(Pe) for the turbulent Le=0.8 cases are greater (smaller) than the corresponding laminar value, whereas both Pe and Φ in turbulent cases remain comparable to the corresponding laminar values for Le=1.0 and 1.2. Detailed physical explanations are provided for the observed Le dependences of Pe and Φ. The existing closure of mean reaction rate ω̇¯\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$\overline {\dot {\omega }}$\end{document} using the scalar dissipation rate (SDR) in the near wall region has been assessed based on a-priori analysis of DNS data and modifications to the existing closures of mean reaction rate and SDR have been suggested to account for the wall effects in such a manner that the modified closures perform well both near to and away from the wall.