Nusselt Number;
Natural Convection;
Rayleigh Number;
Local Nusselt Number;
Average Nusselt Number;
D O I:
The problem of buoyancy driven turbulent flow in parallel-plate channels is investigated. The investigation is limited to vertical channels of uniform cross-section with different modes of heating. The details of the flow and thermal fields are obtained from the solution of the conservation equations of mass, momentum, and energy in addition to equations of the low Reynolds number turbulence model. The study covers Rayleigh number ranging from 105 to 107 and focuses on the effect of channel geometry on the characteristic of the flow and thermal fields as well as the local and average Nusselt number variation. A Nusselt number correlation has been developed in terms of a modified Rayleigh number and channel aspect ratio for the cases of symmetrically heated isothermal and isoflux conditions.