Accurate gridded precipitation data with high spatial and temporal scales are required for diverse studies such as climatology, meteorology, and hydrology. Currently, one of the sources of global precipitation estimation is the satellite-based precipitation estimate products. Nonetheless, their spatial resolution is often too coarse for usage in local region and basin scales or for parameterizing of meteorological and hydrological models at regional scales. In the present paper, a reconstruction method of satellite-based monthly precipitation was developed to attain improved pixel-based precipitation data with high spatial resolution on Golestan province in Northern Iran. In this endeavor, we considered the spatially heterogeneous relationships between tropical rainfall measuring mission (TRMM) precipitation and environmental variables utilizing the moving-window regression methods, the geographically weighted regression (GWR) and the mixed geographically weighted regression (MGWR) models. By in situ observations from rain gauges in the study area, the calibration and validation were performed, and the following conclusions were derived: (1) the proposed procedure had the ability to enhance both the spatial resolution and accuracy of satellite-based precipitation estimates; (2) the monthly reconstructed precipitation using the GWR model (CC = 0.69, bias = 0.75) and using the MGWR model (CC = 0.72, bias = 0.64) outperformed the TRMM-3B43V7 data (CC = 0.58, bias = 0.84) against ground observations; (3) this research offered a potential solution for producing gridded precipitation estimates at high spatial resolution.