What affect does female participation in the Training Future Scientist (TFS) program based on Vygotsky’s sociocultural theory and Maslow’s Hierarchies of Needs have on achievement levels in science and their attitude toward science and interest in science-based careers? The theoretical framework for this study was developed through a constructivist perspective, using dialogic engagement, coinciding with Lev Vygotsky’s sociocultural learning theory. This action research project used mixed methods research design, targeted urban adolescent females who were members of community center for boys and girls after-school program. The data collection measures were three qualitative instruments (semi-structured interviews, reflective journal entries and attitudinal survey open-ended responses) and two quantitative instruments (pretest and posttests over the content from a state-specific standardized curriculum and attitudinal survey scaled responses). The goal was to describe the impact the Training Future Scientist (TFS) after-school program has on the knowledge of the adolescent female’s science content knowledge, attitude toward choosing a science career, and self-perception in science. Through the TFS after-school program participants had access to secondary science teacher-researcher, peer leaders that were in the 9th–12th grade, and Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) role models from a private medical school mentor program facilitated by graduate and medical students and fellows as volunteers. The outcomes for the TFS study were an increase in science content knowledge, a positive trend in attitude change, and a negative trend in choosing a science career.