In the specialist field even the denomination of the gender identity is controversial: transsexuality, transidentity, gender dysphoria, neurointersexual body discrepancy, perceived gender nonconformity or "trans*". Behind these terms are etiological concepts, which influence the therapeutic actions. Based on his 47 years of involvement with transidentity, the author is in concordance with the view of those authors who plead that trans* should be considered as a nonpathological variant of human identity and to relinquish the search for psychogenetic causes. As a rule classical psychoanalytical treatment is not carried out with trans*people. They need their mental strength for the transition process. At most, such a setting can ultimately be considered when trans*people are approved as candidates for psychoanalytical training, something which has not yet happened. Based on a phase model of trans-development it is shown which topics can be of relevance in a psychoanalytically oriented therapy. The accompaniment of the transition does not generally represent a therapy but is a coaching process. Therapeutic measures are only necessary when reactive mental disorders (due to traumatic life situations) or primary mental diseases (occurring independently from the transidentity) are present. The author pleads for the case that after counselling by those specialists participating in the transition, the currently extremely heteronomous trans*people will in the future autonomously decide, i.e. without any expert opinion or other demands on them, which medical and legal steps they want to undertake.