Recent reports on the involvement of calcineurin in cardiac hypertrophy and its susceptibility to free radicals, prompted us to examine possible beneficial effects of dietary antioxidants in this regard. In continuation of initial in vitro studies revealing eugenol to be a potent calcineurin inhibitor, we investigated its ability to reverse isoproterenol-induced cardiac hypertrophy in rats. Intraperitoneal administration of isoproterenol (1 mg/kg body wt/day for 10 days) induced cardiac hypertrophy with increased heart weight and enhanced apoptosis of myocytes concomitant with accumulation of reactive oxygen species, decreased glutathione contents, increased activities of calcineurin and protein kinase C in ventricular tissue. Administering eugenol for 3 days (1 mg/kg body wt/ twice a day), followed by combined administration of isoproterenol and eugenol resulted in significant reversal of cardiac hypertrophy and restoration of above changes. These results suggest that eugenol, a natural antioxidant of dietary origin, may offer potential benefits in the management of cardiac hypertrophy.