A comprehensive understanding of geomorphodiversity and geomorphological heritage is crucial for their use, conservation, and management. Therefore, this paper aims to assess the geomorphodiversity and geomorphological heritage in an integrated approach for the management of Damavand volcano and its surroundings. Damavand is the highest mountain in Iran and the highest volcano in Asia. In this research, the analyses were performed in five steps: (1) the assessment of geomorphodiversity; (2) the identification and selection of geomorphosites; (3) the assessment of geomorphosites; (4) the comparison and synthesis of results; (5) the determination of suitable visit routes. In these steps, the geomorphodiversity index elaborated by Melelli et al. in 2017 and a method developed by Reynard et al. in 2016 were used, with extensive fieldwork. The results showed the areas with high and very high geomorphodiversity values provide a rich set of different types of landforms and processes. Also, the intrinsic value of 66.66% of selected geomorphosites is more than 50 (from 100) and only 33.33% have a value of less than 50, while their use and management status are unsuitable (75%) and very unsuitable (5.6%). Moreover, where the value of geomorphodiversity is higher, the number of geomorphosites is also higher, but there is no correlation between the level of geomorphodiversity value and the level of the intrinsic value of the geomorphosites. Nevertheless, the Damavand volcano needs special attention for geotourism promotion, scientific and educational uses, world heritage, or geopark. Finally, the development of an integrated management plan to conservation is necessary. In this regards, the comprehensive assessment of geomorphodiversity and geomorphological heritage has been implemented as a first step in starting management and conservation strategies. Also, the suitable visit routes have been proposed as one of the management measures.