Wnts control a number of processes during limb development—from initiating outgrowth and controlling patterning, to regulating cell differentiation in a number of tissues. We analyzed the expression pattern of various Wnts (4, 5a, 5b, 6, 11, and 14) in whole mount in situ hybridization during chick wing development. From HH stage 26, expression of Wnt 4 is observed in the central elbow region and wrist-forming regions, and during later stages, expression is seen in the joint-forming regions of the whole limb. Wnt 5a is expressed throughout the limb mesenchyme during early limb developmental stages, and later, at HH stage 23, it becomes predominantly confined to the distal tip, leaving low expression levels proximally. At HH stage 29, expression at the distal tip is restricted to the interdigital regions, and at day 8, expression is seen in the region surrounding the phalanges. Wnt 5b expression is first observed in the AER at HH stage 20 and later in the dorsal and ventral mesenchyme surrounding the cartilage elements of the limb. Expression of Wnt 6 is observed from HH stage 17 until day 8 in the dorsal and ventral ectoderm and also in the dorsoventral limb boundaries. Expression of Wnt 11 is observed in the proximal dorsal mesenchyme of the limb from HH stage 23 onward and later in the dorsal and ventral subectodermal mesenchyme and in the regions adjacent to the digits at day 8. Weak expression of Wnt 14 is observed at the proximal mesenchyme of the limb at HH stage 23; later, it extends as a transverse strip surrounding the cartilage elements as well as in the interdigital mesenchyme.