Field Theories in Lower Dimensions;
Lattice Integrable Models;
Scale and Conformal Symmetries;
D O I:
We consider the Rényi-α tripartite information I3α\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$$ {I}_3^{\left(\alpha \right)} $$\end{document} of three adjacent subsystems in the stationary state emerging after global quenches in noninteracting spin chains from both homogeneous and bipartite states. We identify settings in which I3α\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$$ {I}_3^{\left(\alpha \right)} $$\end{document} remains nonzero also in the limit of infinite lengths and develop an effective quantum field theory description of free fermionic fields on a ladder. We map the calculation into a Riemann-Hilbert problem with a piecewise constant matrix for a doubly connected domain. We find an explicit solution for α = 2 and an implicit one for α > 2. In the latter case, we develop a rapidly convergent perturbation theory that we use to derive analytic formulae approximating I3α\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$$ {I}_3^{\left(\alpha \right)} $$\end{document} with outstanding accuracy.
Shangrao Normal Univ, Sch Phys & Elect Informat, Quantum Informat Res Ctr, Shangrao 334001, Peoples R China
Jiangxi Prov Key Lab Polymer Preparat & Proc, Shangrao 334001, Peoples R ChinaShangrao Normal Univ, Sch Phys & Elect Informat, Quantum Informat Res Ctr, Shangrao 334001, Peoples R China
Ye, Biao-Liang
Li, Bo
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Shangrao Normal Univ, Sch Math & Comp Sci, Shangrao 334001, Peoples R China
Max Planck Inst Math Sci, D-04103 Leipzig, GermanyShangrao Normal Univ, Sch Phys & Elect Informat, Quantum Informat Res Ctr, Shangrao 334001, Peoples R China
Li, Bo
Wang, Zhi-Xi
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Capital Normal Univ, Sch Math Sci, Beijing 100048, Peoples R ChinaShangrao Normal Univ, Sch Phys & Elect Informat, Quantum Informat Res Ctr, Shangrao 334001, Peoples R China
Wang, Zhi-Xi
Li-Jost, Xianqing
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Max Planck Inst Math Sci, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany
Hainan Normal Univ, Sch Math & Stat, Haikou 571158, Hainan, Peoples R ChinaShangrao Normal Univ, Sch Phys & Elect Informat, Quantum Informat Res Ctr, Shangrao 334001, Peoples R China
Li-Jost, Xianqing
Fei, Shao-Ming
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Max Planck Inst Math Sci, D-04103 Leipzig, Germany
Capital Normal Univ, Sch Math Sci, Beijing 100048, Peoples R ChinaShangrao Normal Univ, Sch Phys & Elect Informat, Quantum Informat Res Ctr, Shangrao 334001, Peoples R China
Quantum Information Research Center, School of Physics and Electronic Information, Shangrao Normal University
Jiangxi Province Key Laboratory of Polymer Preparation and ProcessingQuantum Information Research Center, School of Physics and Electronic Information, Shangrao Normal University
Biao-Liang Ye
Bo Li
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School of Mathematics and Computer Sciences, Shangrao Normal University
Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the SciencesQuantum Information Research Center, School of Physics and Electronic Information, Shangrao Normal University
Bo Li
Zhi-Xi Wang
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School of Mathematical Sciences, Capital Normal UniversityQuantum Information Research Center, School of Physics and Electronic Information, Shangrao Normal University
Zhi-Xi Wang
Xianqing Li-Jost
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Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
School of Mathematics and Statistics, Hainan Normal UniversityQuantum Information Research Center, School of Physics and Electronic Information, Shangrao Normal University
Xianqing Li-Jost
Shao-Ming Fei
论文数: 0引用数: 0
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Max-Planck-Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences
School of Mathematical Sciences, Capital Normal UniversityQuantum Information Research Center, School of Physics and Electronic Information, Shangrao Normal University