Re-evaluation of the petrogenesis of the Proterozoic Jabiluka unconformity-related uranium deposit, Northern Territory, Australia

Paul A. Polito
T. Kurt Kyser
David Thomas
Jim Marlatt
Garth Drever
[1] Queen’s University,Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering
[2] Cameco Corp,undefined
Mineralium Deposita | 2005年 / 40卷
Uranium; Breccia; Fluid Inclusion; Unconformity; Quartz Vein;
The world class Jabiluka unconformity-related uranium deposit in the Alligator Rivers Uranium Field, Australia, contains >163,000 tons of contained U3O8. Mineralization is hosted by shallow-to-steeply dipping basement rocks comprising graphitic units of chlorite–biotite–muscovite schist. These rocks are overlain by flat-lying coarse-grained sandstones belonging to the Kombolgie Subgroup. The deposit was discovered in 1971, but has never been mined. The construction of an 1,150 m decline into the upper eastern sector of the Jabiluka II deposit combined with closely spaced underground drilling in 1998 and 1999 allowed mapping and sampling from underground for the first time. Structural mapping, drill core logging and petrographic studies on polished thin sections established a detailed paragenesis that provided the framework for subsequent electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction, fluid inclusion, and O–H, U–Pb and 40Ar/39Ar isotope analysis. Uranium mineralization is structurally controlled within semi-brittle shears that are sub-conformable to the basement stratigraphy, and breccias that are developed within the hinge zone of fault-related folds adjacent to the shears. Uraninite is intimately associated with chlorite, sericite, hematite ± quartz. Electron microprobe and X-ray diffraction analysis of syn-ore illite and chlorite indicates a mineralization temperature of 200°C. Pre- and syn-ore minerals extracted from the Kombolgie Subgroup overlying the deposit and syn-ore alteration minerals in the Cahill Formation have δ18Ofluid and δDfluid values of 4.0±3.7 and −27±17‰, respectively. These values are indistinguishable from illite separates extracted from diagenetic aquifers in the Kombolgie Subgroup up to 70 km to the south and east of the deposit and believed to be the source of the uraniferous fluid. New fluid inclusion microthermometry data reveal that the mineralising brine was saline, but not saturated. U–Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios of uraninite by laser-ablation ICP-MS suggest that massive uraninite first precipitated at ca. 1,680 Ma, which is coincident with the timing of brine migration out from the Kombolgie Subgroup as indicated by 40Ar/39Ar ages of 1,683±11 Ma from sandstone-hosted illite. Unmineralized breccias cemeted by chlorite, quartz and sericite cross-cut the mineralized breccias and are in turn cut by straight-sided, high-angle veins of drusy quartz, sulphide and dolomite. U–Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ratios combined with fluid inclusion and stable isotope data indicate that these post-ore minerals formed when mixing between two fluids occurred sometime between ca. 1,450 and 550 Ma. Distinct 207Pb/206Pb age populations occur at ca. 1,302±37, 1,191±27 and 802±57 Ma, which respectively correlate with the intrusion of the Maningkorrirr/Mudginberri phonolitic dykes and the Derim Derim Dolerite between 1,370 and 1,316 Ma, the amalgamation of Australia and Laurentia during the Grenville Orogen at ca. 1,140 Ma, and the break-up of Rodinia between 1,000 and 750 Ma.
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