[1] Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Bordeaux,Department of Palliative Care
[2] Hôpitaux Champagne Sud,Department of Public Health and Performance
[3] Hôpitaux Champagne Sud,Department of Palliative Care
[4] Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Lyon-Sud,Department of Supportive and Palliative Care
[5] Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire de Grenoble,Department of Supportive and Palliative Care
[6] Avenue du Maquis du Grésivaudan,Department of Palliative, Rehabilitation, and Integrative Medicine
[7] The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,Department of Cardiology
[8] University Hospital Besançon,Palliative Medicine
[9] University of Franche-Comté,undefined
[10] Cochin Hospital,undefined
[11] APHP Centre,undefined
[12] Laboratoire ThEMAS (Techniques pour l’évaluation et la Modélisation des Actions de Santé (TIMC-IMAG : Technique de l’Ingénierie Médicale et de la Compléxité-Informatique,undefined
[13] Mathématiques et Applications,undefined
[14] Grenoble),undefined