Enzymatic activities of plasma superoxide dismutase (pSOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase (eSOD) were assayed in 981 healthy community dwelling old subjects participating in the Zincage Project. The relationship between antioxidant enzyme activities and, respectively, gender, age and zinc status were assessed. eSOD activity was higher in nonagenarians than in 80 year old subjects. Plasma Zn was lower in nonagenarians compared with younger subjects. The prevalence of Zn deficiency increased with age, with normal Zn levels observed in about 80% of adult subjects and only in 37% of the nonagenarians. Women showed higher eSOD and CAT activities compared to men, whereas plasma Zn was higher in men than in women. There was a positive correlation between eSOD activity and age and a negative correlation between eSOD activity and plasma Zn concentrations. An inverse correlation was also found between plasma Zn concentration and age. Further studies on different aspects of Zn metabolism—intake, plasma concentration, peripheral cell concentration, activity and amount of Zn-dependent enzymes—are warranted.