Ophraella communa, an unintentionally introduced leaf beetle in China, has good control efficiency on ragweed, Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Aspects of the climatic requirements for development, survival, longevity and fecundity of O. communa were studied under the conditions of constant temperature (25 ± 1°C), photoperiod of 14 L:10 D and three relative humidities (60%, 75% and 90% RHs). The results showed that the developmental periods of O. communa at different stages shortened along with the increasing relative humidity, except that of the pupal stage. Although no differences were observed in the pupal survival rate, ovipositional period, fecundity, longevity and adult female age-specific survivorship of O. communa under the three humidity conditions, the survival rates during the egg, larva and entire immature stage were significantly higher at 75% RH and 90% RH than at 60% RH. The innate rate of increase (rm), net reproductive rate (R0), finite rate of increase (λ) reached the maximum at 75% RH, with values of 0.181, 1116.4 and 1.198, respectively. These results indicated that the optimum relative humidity for the development of O. communa ranged from 75% RH to 90% RH. Thus O. communa prefers moist microclimate habitats. Its population may expand rapidly during mid-May to late August in south, east and central China, when the humidity is relatively high.