The deterioration in water quality of freshwater bodies and its implication on human health, ecological sustainability and economic development; has elicited a global concern and the need for water resource management and conservation. The water quality of Ikpoba reservoir, Benin City, Nigeria was evaluated using various approaches to ascertain its suitability for human consumption and pollution status. Water sampling was carried out from February 2018 to January 2019, and fifteen (15) water quality indicators were determined using standard analytical procedures. All physico-chemical parameters with the exception of water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, biochemical oxygen demand, turbidity, iron, copper, lead and cadmium were within their permissible limits recommended by the NSDWQ and FMEnv. (2007). Water Quality Index value of 207.37 (WQI > 50) indicate that the water is unsuitable for human consumption and use for other domestic purposes. The Comprehensive Pollution Index value of 4.16 (CPI > 2.01) for Ikpoba reservoir indicates that the freshwater body is severely polluted, with turbidity, lead, iron and cadmium identified as contributing significantly to the water pollution. Natural run-off and anthropogenic activities with the catchment area were identified sources of pollutants. The study has provided updated valuable information for water quality monitoring, pollution control strategies and water resource management of the Ikpoba reservoir.