Today, with the continuation of the reduction of the dimensions of transistors, the thickness of the gate is so small that it causes the leakage currents of the transistors to be very high. This prevents the reduction of power consumption and the speed of transistors. Also, construction costs, especially the lithography process, have increased greatly. In the next decade or two, as this trend continues, transistors will be the same size as atoms, and the laws of quantum physics will explain the behavior of atoms and no longer apply classical laws. Quantum-dot cellular automata technology is the vision of a new path for advancement in nanoelectronics and the design of small-scale computational circuits. Ternary logic is a promising proposition for designing QCA-based logic circuits. In this paper, for the first time, Two proposed single-trit comparator circuits based on ternary quantum cellular automaton technology were introduced. The first circuit was designed using a diagram block structure and truth table with 140 cells and area 0.108μm2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${0.108 \upmu\text{m}}^{2}$$\end{document}. Using a physical proof of energy between cells, the second proposed circuit with 24 cells and area 0.011μm2\documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${0.011 \upmu\text{m}}^{2}$$\end{document} was designed. To measure the accuracy of performance, the circuit was simulated in TQCAsim software. Quantum cells have superiority with the aim of reducing power consumption, occupied space, and dramatically increasing work frequency. Comparisons show that the designs presented have improved compared to the previous ones.