The paper reports the occurrence of eleven species of crustose and foliose lichens for the first time to the state of Mizoram in northeast India. During the course of lichen exploration in the state of Mizoram, the authors collected lichen specimens from Tawi Wildlife Sanctuary, Mizoram, India. After critical examination and thorough consolation of literature, it revealed that 11 species have been discovered as new additions to the lichen flora of the state. The species include Bacidia connexula (Nyl.) Zahlbr., Baculifera curtisii (Tuck.) Marbach, Flavoplaca citrina (Hoffm.) Arup, Fröden and Søchting, Herpothallon philippinum (Vain.) Aptroot and Lücking, Leptogium delavayi Hue., Letrouitia transgressa (Malme) Haff. and Bellem, Pertusaria pertusa (L.) Tuck, Pertusaria pseudococcodes Müll Arg., Pyrenula andina Aptroot, Sticta fuliginosa Hoffm. Ach. and Trichothelium epiphyllum Müll. Arg. are described as new records for the state lichen biota. A brief description of each species is provided with distribution, and well supported by illustrations. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to The National Academy of Sciences, India.