Streaming media devices have recently become one of the innovative IT devices used to replace traditional smart TV sets. In order to examine user acceptance of streaming media device, this study proposes an extended research model based upon flow theory and investigates the relationship among flow, perceived usefulness, product-related characteristics (i.e., content quality, functionality, ease of use, portability), and a manufacturer-related characteristic (i.e., trust). Partial least square methodology was employed to test the proposed model and corresponding hypotheses on data collected from 305 survey samples. The results showed that flow and perceived usefulness, two mediating variables, has a significant influence on usage intention. Among the four antecedents reflecting product-related attributes, content quality has the strongest effect on flow. Interestingly, functionality and ease of use affected only perceived usefulness in an indirect way through flow. Thus, flow mediates the effect of functionality and ease of use on perceived usefulness. This study discusses a number of implications and offers insights useful for both researchers and practitioners.