Nowadays ubiquitous sensor stations are deployed worldwide, in order to measure several geophysical variables (e.g. temperature, humidity, light) for a growing number of ecological and industrial processes. Although these variables are, in general, measured over large zones and long (potentially unbounded) periods of time, stations cannot cover any space location. On the other hand, due to their huge volume, data produced cannot be entirely recorded for future analysis. In this scenario, summarization, i.e. the computation of aggregates of data, can be used to reduce the amount of produced data stored on the disk, while interpolation, i.e. the estimation of unknown data in each location of interest, can be used to supplement station records. We illustrate a novel data mining solution, named interpolative clustering, that has the merit of addressing both these tasks in time-evolving, multivariate geophysical applications. It yields a time-evolving clustering model, in order to summarize geophysical data and computes a weighted linear combination of cluster prototypes, in order to predict data. Clustering is done by accounting for the local presence of the spatial autocorrelation property in the geophysical data. Weights of the linear combination are defined, in order to reflect the inverse distance of the unseen data to each cluster geometry. The cluster geometry is represented through shape-dependent sampling of geographic coordinates of clustered stations. Experiments performed with several data collections investigate the trade-off between the summarization capability and predictive accuracy of the presented interpolative clustering algorithm.