A star located in the close vicinity of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) in a galactic nucleus or a globular-cluster core could form a close binary with the SMBH, with the star possibly filling its Roche lobe. The evolution of such binary systems is studied assuming that the SMBH mainly accretes matter from the companion star and that the presence of gas in the vicinity of the SMBH does not appreciably influence variations in the star’s orbit. The evolution of the star–SMBH system is mainly determined by the same processes as those determining the evolution of ordinary binaries. The main differences are that the star is subject to an incident flux of hard radiation arising during the accretion of matter by the SMBH, and, in detached systems, the SMBH captures virtually all the wind emitted by its stellar companion, which appreciably influences the evolution of the major axis of the orbit. Moreover, the exchange between the orbital angular momentum and the angular momentum of the overflowing matter may not be entirely standard in such systems. The computations assume that there will be no such exchange of angular momentum if the characteristic timescale for mass transfer is shorter than the thermal time scale of the star. The absorption of external radiation in the stellar envelope was computed using the same formalism applied when computing the opacity of the stellar matter. The numerical simulations show that, with the adopted assumptions, three types of evolution are possible for such a binary system, depending on the masses and the initial separation of the SMBH and star. Type I evolution leads to the complete destruction of the star. Only this type of evolution is realized for low-mass main-sequence (MS) stars, even those with large initial separations from their SMBHs. Massive MS stars will also be destroyed if the initial separation is sufficiently small. However, two other types of evolution are possible for massive stars, with a determining role in the time variations of the parameters of the star–SMBH system being played by the possible growth of the massive star into a red giant during the time it is located in the close vicinity of the SMBH. Type II evolution can be realized for massive MS stars that are initially farther from the SMBH than in the case of disruption. In this case, the massive star fills its Roche lobe during its expansion, but is not fully destroyed; the star retreats inside its Roche lobe after a period of intense mass loss. This type of evolution is characterized by an increase in the orbital period of the system with time. As a result, the remnant of the star (its former core) is preserved as a white dwarf, and can end up at a fairly large distance from the SMBH. Type III evolution can be realized formassiveMSstars that are initially located still farther from their SMBHs, and also for massive stars that are already evolved at the initial time. In these cases, the star moves away from the SMBH without filling its Roche lobe, due to its intense stellar wind. The remnants of such stars can also end up at a fairly large distances from their SMBHs.