[1] School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine,Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Research Centre (ANZIC
[2] Monash University,RC), Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine
[3] The Alfred,Department of Physiotherapy
[4] Royal Adelaide Hospital,Department of Physiotherapy
[5] Johns Hopkins Hospital,Outcomes After Critical Illness & Surgery (OACIS) Group, Division of Pulmonary & Critical Care Medicine, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
[6] Curtin University of Technology,School of Physiotherapy & Exercise Science
[7] University of South Australia,School of Health Sciences
[8] Flinders Medical Centre,Physiotherapy Department
[9] Austin Hospital,Physiotherapy Department
[10] The Prince Charles Hospital,Physiotherapy Department
[11] Faculty of Health,Department of Physiotherapy
[12] University of Technology,Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care
[13] Sydney (UTS),Intensive Care Unit
[14] Canberra Hospital,Burns, Trauma & Critical Care Research Centre, School of Medicine
[15] St. Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne,School of Physiotherapy
[16] Töölö Hospital,Department of Physiotherapy
[17] Helsinki University Central Hospital,Department of Physiotherapy, School of Primary Health Care
[18] Canberra Hospital,Capital and Coast District Health Board
[19] Australian National University Medical School,Medical Research Institute of New Zealand
[20] The Canberra Hospital,Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
[21] Physiotherapy Department,Department of Physiotherapy
[22] Princess Alexandra Hospital,undefined
[23] The University of Queensland,undefined
[24] Department of Intensive Care Medicine,undefined
[25] Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital,undefined
[26] School of Allied Health Sciences,undefined
[27] Griffith University,undefined
[28] The University of Notre Dame Australia,undefined
[29] Western Health,undefined
[30] Western Hospital,undefined
[31] Monash University,undefined
[32] Intensive Care Unit,undefined
[33] Wellington Hospital,undefined
[34] Wellington Hospital,undefined
[35] Johns Hopkins Hospital,undefined
[36] Melbourne School of Health Sciences,undefined
[37] The University of Melbourne,undefined
[38] School of Medicine and Pharmacology,undefined
[39] The University of Western Australia,undefined