Flathead grey mullet (Mugil cephalus L.) stocked in fish ponds were long considered to feed primarily on detritus. However, recent research has found that they obtain much of their food from plankton and that they have a detrimental effect on pond zooplankton and large phytoplankton, whilst enhancing small phytoplankton. It has been suggested that flathead grey mullet may also increase the internal phosphorus loading of the ecosystem, which would also increase phytoplankton density. To test whether zooplankton removal or nutrient release from the sediment is the better explanation for phytoplankton enhancement in the presence of flathead grey mullet, the ecosystems of fish-less tanks, tanks with a 60 μm mesh filter and tanks stocked at a fish density of 243 g m-3 were compared. In the presence of flathead grey mullets, cladocerans, ostracods and chironomid larvae became scarcer than in the control tanks, while there were more small phytoplankton and mud snails. The green algae Cladophorasp. did not occur at all. The presence of a mechanical filter also reduced cladoceran, ostracod and chironomid densities and increased phtyoplankton and mud snail density. However, the situation observed in filter tanks was intermediate between that observed in the fish tanks and the control tanks, due to the lower filtering efficiency of the mechanical filter. The organic matter content of the sediment decreased throughout the experiment in the control and filter tanks, but remained stable in fish tanks. Phosphorus and nitrogen concentrations were not affected by any treatment. These results showed that flathead grey mullet enhanced phytoplankton development due to the removal of large cladocerans and not as a consequence of nutrient release. Furthermore, the flathead grey mullet strongly modified the benthic community, probably due to direct predation.