The Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory

Kai Frye
Sven Abend
Wolfgang Bartosch
Ahmad Bawamia
Dennis Becker
Holger Blume
Claus Braxmaier
Sheng-Wey Chiow
Maxim A. Efremov
Wolfgang Ertmer
Peter Fierlinger
Tobias Franz
Naceur Gaaloul
Jens Grosse
Christoph Grzeschik
Ortwin Hellmig
Victoria A. Henderson
Waldemar Herr
Ulf Israelsson
James Kohel
Markus Krutzik
Christian Kürbis
Claus Lämmerzahl
Meike List
Daniel Lüdtke
Nathan Lundblad
J. Pierre Marburger
Matthias Meister
Moritz Mihm
Holger Müller
Hauke Müntinga
Ayush M. Nepal
Tim Oberschulte
Alexandros Papakonstantinou
Jaka Perovs̆ek
Achim Peters
Arnau Prat
Ernst M. Rasel
Albert Roura
Matteo Sbroscia
Wolfgang P. Schleich
Christian Schubert
Stephan T. Seidel
Jan Sommer
Christian Spindeldreier
Dan Stamper-Kurn
Benjamin K. Stuhl
Marvin Warner
Thijs Wendrich
André Wenzlawski
[1] Leibniz Universität Hannover,Institut für Quantenoptik
[2] Leibniz-Institut für Höchstfrequenztechnik,Ferdinand
[3] Leibniz Universität Hannover,Braun
[4] Universität Bremen,Institut
[5] DLR-RY,Institut für Mikroelektronische Systeme
[6] California Institute of Technology,ZARM
[7] Universität Ulm,German Aerospace Center for Space Systems
[8] German Aerospace Center (DLR),Jet Propulsion Laboratory
[9] German Aerospace Center (DLR) c/o Leibniz Universität Hannover,Institut für Quantenphysik and Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST)
[10] Fierlinger Magnetics GmbH,Institute of Quantum Technologies
[11] German Aerospace Center (DLR),Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing
[12] Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,Institute for Software Technology
[13] Universität Hamburg,AG Optical Metrology
[14] German Aerospace Center (DLR) c/o Universität Bremen,Institut für Laserphysik
[15] Bates College,Institute for Satellite Geodesy and Inertial Sensing
[16] Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz,Department of Physics and Astronomy
[17] University of California,Institut für Physik
[18] Texas A&M University,Department of Physics
[19] Airbus Defence and Space,Hagler Institute for Advanced Study and Department of Physics and Astronomy, Institute for Quantum Science and Engineering (IQSE), Texas A&M AgriLife Research
[20] Space Dynamics Laboratory,undefined
EPJ Quantum Technology | 2021年 / 8卷
Bose-Einstein condensate; Quantum optics; Atom optics; Atom interferometry; Microgravity; International Space Station;
Microgravity eases several constraints limiting experiments with ultracold and condensed atoms on ground. It enables extended times of flight without suspension and eliminates the gravitational sag for trapped atoms. These advantages motivated numerous initiatives to adapt and operate experimental setups on microgravity platforms. We describe the design of the payload, motivations for design choices, and capabilities of the Bose-Einstein Condensate and Cold Atom Laboratory (BECCAL), a NASA-DLR collaboration. BECCAL builds on the heritage of previous devices operated in microgravity, features rubidium and potassium, multiple options for magnetic and optical trapping, different methods for coherent manipulation, and will offer new perspectives for experiments on quantum optics, atom optics, and atom interferometry in the unique microgravity environment on board the International Space Station.
共 50 条
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    Bartosch, Wolfgang
    Bawamia, Ahmad
    Becker, Dennis
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    Braxmaier, Claus
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    Efremov, Maxim A.
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    Sbroscia, Matteo
    Schleich, Wolfgang P.
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    Seidel, Stephan T.
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