Shear wave velocity (VS) is a basic engineering soil property implemented in evaluating the soil shear modulus. In many instances it may be preferable to determine VS indirectly by common in-situ tests, for instance the standard penetration test. In this paper, the relation between VS and geotechnical soil parameters such as standard penetration test blow counts (N160), effective stress and fines content, as well as overburden stress ratio \documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${(\sigma_{\rm vo}/ \sigma_{\rm vo}^\prime)}$$\end{document} is investigated. A new polynomial model is proposed to correlate geotechnical parameters and VS, predicated on a total of 620 data sets, including field investigation records for the Kocaeli (Turkey, 1999) and Chi-Chi (Taiwan, 1999) earthquakes. This study addresses the question of whether group method of data handling (GMDH) type neural networks (NN) optimized using genetic algorithms could be used to (1) estimate VS based on specified geotechnical variables, (2) assess the influence of each variable on VS. Results suggest that GMDH-type NN, in comparison to previous statistical relations, provides an effective means of efficiently recognizing the patterns in data and accurately predicting the shear wave velocity. The sensitivity analysis reveals that \documentclass[12pt]{minimal}
\begin{document}$${{\sigma_{\rm vo}/ \sigma_{\rm vo}^\prime}}$$\end{document} and fines content have significant influence on predicting VS.